I'm Dr. Kyle Ryley a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor and Therapist, as well as owner of Hero Performance Health (HPH). HPH is a Calgary-based clinic that bridges classical Chinese medicine with the newest innovations in the field. Operating out of Beacon Hill Chiropractic & Massage, and also treating elite gymnasts out of the Calgary Gymnastics Centre, HPH dedicates itself to providing powerful solutions to your individual health needs.
I began my life as an energetic, off-the-wall child and naturally became obsessed with the sport of men's artistic gymnastics and martial arts. I think my parents initially enrolled me because I climbed on everything and they needed an outlet for my hyperactivity! With Jackie Chan, Goku, and the Red Power Ranger as my heroes, I obtained an immense desire to achieve their level of excellence. To me this aspiration not only meant learning acrobatics and how to deliver a jump kick to the face, but also to embody their attitude, integrity, and values. It was this pursuit towards heroism that established positive habits which ultimately carried me forward in sport and my everyday life.
Throughout my gymnastics training I was able to avoid many injuries due to the unique cross-training I experienced with Kung Fu. However, when I did get injured, my first resort was always Traditional Chinese Medicine. I received treatments like acupuncture, cupping, electro-stimulation, guasha, bloodletting, stretching and massage to heal and improve soft tissue dysfunction. In 2014, I retired from my competitive gymnastics career and shifted my focus into coaching and my education.
Traditional Chinese Medicine was the natural route for me as I could apply my understanding of biomechanics and conditioning, and blend it with TCM techniques to boost the health and performance of my patients. I excelled in my studies and after 5 years graduated from the Chengdu University of TCM with a perfect 4.0 GPA. My education had provided me with a comprehensive knowledge base of TCM herbs & herbal formulas as well as a large amount of hands on clinical knowledge.
Today, I work out of Beacon Hill Chiropractic & Massage, and also treat on-site at the Calgary Gymnastics Centre to accommodate the busy and demanding schedules of competitive gymnasts. My practice works with athletically driven clients, and begins by establishing goals and identifying the hero-figure that will be the catalyst in unlocking the "new and better you!"
In addition to being a coach and doctor I am also a musician with the Jazzlib. Jazzlib is a true-school hip-hop crew composed of 3 MCs and 1 DJ. We've been active since 2011 and have performed throughout Canada, the United States and China. We just released a new double album this year called "Behind Bars Too". The name of the album pays homage to the sport of gymnastics. In addition to gymnastics, Jazzlib seeks to enlighten the minds of its listeners with conscious, profound, inspiring, and light-hearted lyrics. The instrumentals are characterized as funky, jazzy, dark, and dramatic. We recently won the 2019 Rap Recording of the Year at the 2019 YYC Music Awards. You can catch Jazzlib on all online music platforms!
​TCMD (Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine) - Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
R.Ac. (Registered Acupunturist) - Canadian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
NCCP Level 3 Men's Artistic Gymnastics Coach - Calgary Gymnastics Centre